Friday, December 29, 2006 THAT'S why they say...
For the time being, I'll tell you about Brighton's newest things. He now tells us what a CAT says (softly) "Muuuuu" and what a COW says "MMUUUUHHHH". He's very smart. He will pick out a ball and bugs in every single book we read. I also caught him in the bedroom with the radio blaring and dancing. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. He closed the door for privacy LOL and hit the "sleep" button on Dad's alarm radio, and proceeded to dance the day away!!
UGH! What a long night lastnight. I dreaded putting Brighton to bed lastnight for fear of sitting in my rocker in his room for an hour, rocking, and rocking, protecting the opposite boob and tender nipple from which he was nursing (that's an on going battle I'll talk about in another post), rocking, singing, rocking, waking my feet and legs and arm get the idea. For some reason I was just dreading it! So instead of keeping consistant and doing what I always do nowadays, I opted to lay down with him in our bed at about 8:30 and fall asleep with him...WHAT WAS I THINKING?! It was a VERY long night. Not only did I have NO pillow, I slept on a space approximately three inches wide by 6 feet long all night long. We fell back asleep at around 6:30 (he woke up for good at around 5:00) then we both slept until almost 9! It turned out to be a good day afterall. But I'm still protecting my innocent nipples...oops. sorry about the no warning! ;)
Thursday, December 28, 2006
How my life has changed
"You know, my life changed drastically, but those things you mentioned are the minor things that I didn't even really notice. Money got diverted to diapers and miniature clothing instead of double tall skinny vanilla lattes and lunch out every day with my friends. Chores? they now include bathtime every other night and picking up tractors and little people, Sex Life? Well, that's not a whole lot different than it was before. Though for the first few MONTHS poor Daddy was on his own.
The ways in which my life changed were: I feel more compassionate towards other people. When I get upset with someone, I am shocked back into the reality that they were someone's baby once. I can no longer watch violent movies or television shows. I get TONS of hugs and kisses from a chubby cheeked toddler. I respect and miss my mom more than ever. Make sure you let your mom know how much she means to you. My mom died the day after my son was concieved. I never thought about just how much she did for me or how much she went through (my dad passed away when I was 15, so she was a single mom for a long time.)
So my life changed in BIG ways, in profound ways. The basics, they just kind of filled in like water through a jar of marbles. Just make sure your jar is full of marbles :)"
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Christmas Hangover
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Mom Guilt...A Rite of Passage
Then of course, the big guilts and the "mother load" guilts (no pun intended). Tonight is one of those nights. I worked lastnight so didn't see my boy all night (but was with him all day long) then worked all day today. I knew that I HAD to get home and get some sewing done tonight to finish up a Christmas present or I'd never get it done. So after taking an extra long, extra hot shower, I promptly was mauled by my toddler, and was stuck there for about 45 minutes. You'd think that after a day of working and the night before only having had about 3 true hours of sleep, 45 minutes of down time with the boy would be just what the doctor ordered. Oh no. I have things to do! I felt a bit like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland with a pocket watch and being late for a very important date! Well, as I was finishing, the boy was really starting to fade and get very tired. So dad took him in his bedroom and rocked him to sleep. I finished up my project and opened the fridge to put away recently purchased fruit and noticed the floor of the fridge was a mess. So instead of saying to myself "I'll finish that tomorrow and go take over for dad so I can spend some time with my bug" I instead started cleaning the fridgerator floor. WHA?! I hoped Brighton would still be crying when I got done, but as I was walking into the hallway, I noticed the crying had stopped. I tip-toed to the door, slowly opened it up and my boy was fast asleep :( A wash of regret flowed over me and I felt that warm, heavy, yucky feeling of mommy guilt (did you think I was going to compare it to peeing my pants?). This was one of those opportunities where I could have chosen to spend a few precious minutes with my baby and instead I decided to clean the fridge. I could have rested tonight, with baby in arms. But instead I decided to finish up that project when I really could have done it on Sunday. Well, I'm washing my guilt away with a Leinenkugels Apple Spice lager which doesn't taste nearly as good as Brighton's freshly washed hair smells. Oh well. I have to work tomorrow for a little while (actually, I'm taking my rug rat dogs in tomorrow becuase they stink) but it will only be for a while. I'll make it up to him.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Brighton has a busy weekend ahead of him. Friday night we're finally going to meet little Pete. As Andrew said, Amy and The Petes are coming over for supper. Sounds like a music band doesn't it? Andrew is making Chicken and Buscuits. While he and B-dog are shopping, mom's going to take the dogs to work and get them cleaned up. Mom has to work at Starbucks on Saturday but Sunday night we're going to Grammy and Grampies for Christmas Eve. Then on Monday Morning, we're going to open presents from Santa and then we're having Christmas Brunch with our families. Brighton will have a lot to say I'm sure. He's a real jabberbox these days. Most things sound like "DOG" or "SANTA (SANNA)" or "KITTY" which I've finally figured out what he was saying over breakfast. He would say "KEE" then point at the cat as if to say "DUH MOM! There's the kitty. SHEESH!"
If we don't see you, have a very happy holiday!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Stolen Moments & Minor Meltdowns
Here's Brighton's photo with S anta.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
The Worst Christmas Cartoon Ever
Andrew and I stopped watching twice to look at each other is complete disbelief. Then promptly cracked up laughing until tears flooded our eyes. OK, mine anyway. Andrew just rolled his eyes and muttered "shoot me now" to the tele. All I can say is I am very glad that Brighton wasn't awake to see that one. We're going to plan on putting in a video tonight rather than watch what's on basics. Maybe National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Yeah, that's much better.
PS. Brighton's newest words are "HAT", "DOG" and "SANTA". Which actually sound like "HAAAAGH" "DAH" and "SANTA" Yes, Santa sounds a lot line Santa...go figure.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Overcaffeinated and undertired

Brighton is doing so many funny (and annoying) things nowadays. He's definitely testing his limits with mom. I'm not sure if he does this with Dad or not but I'm inclined to think "No." His current favorite toy is a green laundry basket. His favorite game is for mom to carry him around in it and tip it over with him in it. Don't worry, he's prepared, doesn't hit his head and giggles the whole time. My son, the stunt man. I attempted to get his photo in the basket, but as you can see, he caught sight of the camera, and decided it would be more fun to grab that instead. We also decided to go ahead and decorate the tree - with ornaments. This was great fun for Brighton. If I had a good pic, you could see that the tree is only decorated 2/3 the way down, stopping at approximately Brighton Height. Well, apparently my typing has awoken the sleeping bear, so I must tend to my offspring. Have a grand night everyone!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Uneventful post
Brighton Tidbits:
Brighton just consumed his first bit of dirt a few minutes ago, that was gross. All I can think of is (thanks to our yearly meeting with our merial rep for heartgard and frontline) - parasites. Gross. Bright will also NEVER have a sandbox. He has played in sand, but without my permission. (with the exception of the beach...) He also consumed his first bit of dog food just the other day. I am surprised that he was able to snatch a piece while the dogs were eating. Not that they would have bitten him - I'm just surprised that there was a piece to grab! He also has a new walk. We're calling him "professor". I wish I could upload videos. We got a quick snapshot, but the video is hilarious. He started walking with his hands behind his back. Our blog was also featured on the front page of the Cedar Rapids Gazette last Sunday. How exciting is that?! So if you have a chance, check out Sunday December 3 online at the Cedar Rapids Gazette. You will need the logon and password, email me and I'll give you the password and signon name so you can visit the previous week's mail.
Well, this was a rather uneventful and boring post, so I apolgize. I write much better at 3 AM.
PS. I'm still having problems uploading photos. Sorry...
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Fa La La La La...and all that jazz
Dad said something really funny lastnight. As we were falling asleep, all of a sudden he said "I can't wait to find out what 'djjjjjjzzzzz mmumm zzjjddduh' means." LOL that cracked me up. Dad is so funny sometimes.

Friday, December 01, 2006
A Long Cold Night
I am having a hard time with this. Maybe it's because I know that weaning him from nursing is just around the corner after he starts sleeping in his own bed - because that's where he nursed the most. Maybe I feel like he's growing up and won't need me anymore. I know that he will always need his mommy. Or at least WANT his mommy sometimes, but I guess it's just hard to let go of that. (Come on Marcy, he's 18 months old for crying out loud! He's not going to start doing his own laundry yet! He can't even poop and pee on the toilet ferpetesakes!) I guess I need him just as much as he needs me - or needed me :) Boy that sounds awfully co-dependant doesn't it? Or do I just sound like a mommy? I don't know. All I know is that I need to take baby steps and not cut everything off all at once. Well, now that I'm good and sad I should go back to bed. It's going to be a long cold night without my bug next to me...but we'll get over it.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
All about lastnight

I wanted to add these lastnight but I was having issues with Picturetrail.
Left: Brighton in the dishwasher
Center: Brighton in the closet
Right: Brighton eating/wearing beets
As suspected, I wasn't able to leave Brighton in his bed lastnight. I went in to see him before I went to bed and he woke up (myseriously...) and so I brought him to bed with me. The three of us didn't sleep all that well. So we're going to try again tonight. I don't think I can go cold turkey...maybe tonight when I'm not all keyed up from 4 shots of espresso and a cold, icy drive home...we'll see.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Being Lonely - or is it just Mom?
List 2
10. Venti strawberry lemonade blended drinks (or the brain freeze that follows when he drinks them too fast...)
9. Venti three pump raspberry, three pump valencia passion tea lemonades
8. The phrase "Get off of that coffeetable"
7. Having to ride in his stroller rather than push it
6. The word "NO"
5. Baby gates
4. Bras
3. The phrase "Get out of the dishwasher!"
tied with
3. The phrase "Don't take all those hangers out of the clo...set..."
2. Mom picking his nose
and the number 1 thing that ticks Brighton off:
1. Obstacles in the road when he's trying to drive his trike, construction vehicle or Thomas the Tank Engine. Namely, a wall, a dog, a cat or one of his bajillion toys.
Monday, November 27, 2006
List 1
Gone to the grocery store without a bra
Purchased a pair of mini pants for more than I would pay for my own pants
Licked my finger to wipe a smudge off of someone elses face
Picked someone else's nose
Wiped someone else's nose
Put my finger in someone else's mouth to remove a foreign object
Wiped anyone else's bum
Splashed in the bathtub
Cut anyone else's hair
Allowed anyone to drive their cars or ride their bikes in the house
Allowed someone else to have access to my "girlies" (boobs) at any time they wanted
Been on the verge of tears because I hadn't spent a whole day in their presence
Loved someone so unconditionally that I really would give my life for theirs
Yep, that's the mommy story :) And I'm sure the daddy story is similar.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Black Friday
This will be the first time in a long time I've had to work retail on Black Friday and I am TERRIFIED!!!! I go in to Starbucks at 4 tonight which hopefully the crowds will have died down a bit, but I'm sure it will still be busy. Good thing I know how to make coffee and it's a good thing I've been calling out drinks in my sleep...or I wouldn't be prepared. Tomorrow is going to be the killer. I'll be there from 10 - 4 (I think). I will be missing my family but I think I can manage to get through it for a day or so.
Update on the house. I called the owners the other day to release the 48 hour contingency and found out they'd sold the house the day before. Techinically, they breached their contract, but since we were going to release it anyway, we didn't put up a stink. We got our $$ back and so I guess it just wasn't the right time. Then soon after I got our money back, we got a phone call asking if our house was still up for sale. Figures. But so far nothing. It's just a BAD time to sell I guess. Still holding out hope.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Is it just me?

Attached is the photo of the newest addition to our family. Peter Matthew! Born to Aunt Amy and Uncle Pete in NW Iowa. Isn't he cute?!! Even though he's a little ticked off...I can't blame the little guy! He's lying there half nikked!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
New Baby!!!

Congratulations Amy and Pete and Belle!!!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Little bit of nothing
Today I took Brighton to the doctor because he had a funny looking sore on the back of his leg and since he's been so snotty and at times incorridgable I suspected he had another ear infection. Sure enough, he did. Dr. didn't know what the spot on his leg was. Might be an ingrown hair (at this age?!) might have been a bug bite, might be some kind of icky virus. He has a few spots around his mouth that she wants me to watch to see if they turn into anything, but she didn't quarantine him or anything so I assume it's OK. It looked watery yesterday but is crusted over today. It's very weird. He's already been through the chicken pox this year.
Brighton is entering that stage where he gets frustrated at every little thing. His car getting stuck on the doorway is cause to lie down and wail. Mom can't hold him and cook at the same time...DRAMA! Our house is one big opera lately. But he's also doing some very fun things too. Like blowing kisses, giving the dog and cats kisses, giving mom and dad kisses and hugs, taking steps here and there when encouraged and not tired, dancing all the time. Oh if you were a fly on the wall...
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Election Day Hangover
Brighton is getting braver and braver, starting to take a few more steps a little more often. He's also started hollaring out "DAAAAA DAAAAAAAA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" in the morning when he wakes up. I assume he's calling for his DAD. Brighton just today discovered temporary tattoos. We got a sheet of them from buffalo wild wings a few weeks ago but he found them today in his "dog house" and so mom decided to show him what they were. He was very excited and chose one for his left hand (a chicken) and one for his right hand (a buffalo with wings). OK mom chose them because they were on the top, but what's the diff? He's also decided that he likes to ride one of his three cars around the house...all the time. Dogs be dammed he's coming through! He has a Thomas the Train, a Dump Truck and a Radio Flyer 3 & 1/2 wheeler. Fun times...This morning I caught him trying to get to the poop in Violet's litter box (Violet had an abscess and so until it's more healed up - and not open - she is in a kennel in the sun room with a temporary toilet). With my supersonic mommy ears, I heard a strange noise, and came out just before he reached the poop. I think moms have another sense, a seventh sense if you will, where we just know that something is going down...I had a vision of exactly what was happening...Now, anyone who knows me, knows that A. I don't like my son to be dirty in any way - unless it's intentional and even then I have a hard time with it, and B. my imagination runs wild with the prospect potential bugs and parasites and bacteria and other ookies streaming around in any kind of litter, dirt or sand (thanks Merial Company...). So I was freaking out. We promptly washed hands, feet and removed all clothing that potentially touched the cesspool of invisible critters. After that mess, we ate french toast (that I didn't prepare quickly enough) and watched the election results on GMA before turning the station to PBS and Sesame Street.
Brighton is also entering the terrible twos. And he's not even 1 1/2 yet. I think part of it is because mommy is working a second job and has been gone almost every night and so this routine is way off. But he's started to throw himself on the floor and bawl when something frustrates him or just plain ticks him off. So far, I've only been chewed out twice, maybe three times, but we get the idea.
As for the election day hangover, I was REALLY disgusted with this sessions elections. On my way home from work yesterday, I called my darling husband who reminded me to vote. "I'm not voting!! Those politicians PI$$ED ME OFF this year with all this negative garbage." "OK" he said. After quickly changing the topic, we hung up. On my 40 minute jaunt home, I started thinking of all the people who fought to have the right to vote, women, minorities, and I started feeling obligated (I HATE that feeling!!!!!) So I decided to do it, FOR THEM. I walked in with a BAD attitude, grabbed my sheet (after being harassed about my name - "is it under Reilly or Oberbreckling? You should go to the courthouse and get that changed," blah blah blah") walked briskly over to the "secret voting table" and begrudgingly filled in my choices for candidates. The whole time, I had a hole in my gut, a sinking feeling. None of these people (excepting one) I would trust with my child or my government. Hell, I wouldn't even let them take care of my pets or plants for the weekend lest they use them for some ad campaign. I thought I hated politicians before, well let me tell you, this is a whole new ballgame. They're in a whole new level of disgust in my book. With all the ugliness in this world right now, why do they have to contribute? Why can't we be PROGRESSIVE. I know that's a scary word for Washington and government in general, but it's a good thing. Really. It is. I'm done with my rant, but I want to end with this.
Thank goodness for Bob and Tom who make me laugh most mornings, Thank goodness for my son and husband who bring a smile to my face (most of the time) and thank goodness for my friends and some of my family, you know who you are, who no matter what I know I can count on, cry to, B&M about whatever, laugh with and share life with. Thank you. You are the white blanket that shields me from all things evil, sad, scary and maddening in the world today.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
T'was All Hallows Eve
T'was All Hallows Eve
And all though the place
The rush to get candy
was, oh yes, quite a race!
The goblins and ghouls,
all ready to spook!
While the ghosts were all practicing
Their scariest...BOO!
But the children know better than to be afraid
Because all those ghost and goblins
Are just their friends in cloth sheets and chains.
So get your toothbrush and get ready to eat
There's going to be lots of candy
For every trick or treat!
Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 30, 2006
A Grand Day

Some new things Brighton has learned:

Visit Brighton's Picturetrail website for more photos.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Ala Crazy Messy
Thursday, October 26, 2006
A Romantic Orchard View

Monday, October 23, 2006
Hell Hath No Fury...
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Ya do whatcha gotta do...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Day Four - Asking

Playing in the leaves at Dubuque Campground
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Bedroom Drama - Day Three - Great Surprises
Naptimes are no longer a fight for me!!! Why WHY WHY didn't I do this sooner?!?! Will keep you updated.
Tried to give Brighton tuna and noodles lastnight, hoping that he would eat the tuna. Nope. Ate the noodles and picked out the tuna and put it back on his plate. DADGUMIT!
We've also had to start putting the chairs on top of the table. My little boy is a monkey in a boy suit. He will climb ANYTHING. I see in my future many trips to the emergency room...better stock up on bandaids now.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Bedroom Drama - Day Two
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Independance Hall

Then there's nap time. Do you watch Super Nanny? You've seen those horrific images of families who have had their children sleeping in their bed since birth, and then all of a sudden, super nanny intervenes and puts that to a screeching (literally) halt. Super nanny tells a poor exhausted mother that she needs to put the baby to sleep in his or her own bed, then sit there and listen to baby cry, without looking at baby or acknowledging that baby is wailing until he or she is about ready to burst a blood vessel. When baby stands up, mom is supposed to silently and gently lay baby back down, then resume her position in the rocking chair or on the floor next to baby. Then after several exhausting hours, baby finally falls asleep (duh) and mom sneaks out and sleeps happily (uh huh - more like sobs herself to sleep feeling so guilty about her baby's broken heart and blood vessels that she can't stop weeping) in her own bed without her child. Well let me tell you. Yes, Brighton sleeps in our bed at night. Yes, you heard right. We share a family bed. Or co-sleep or whatever you want to call it. Which is fine, we all enjoy it. But the bad habit I would like to break is the one where I have to lay with him to nap. And if he wakes up (which he inevitably will) 1/2 hour into his nap, and I'm not there, he comes a pat pating out to where ever I am, sobbing and snotty. So today, I try this Super Nanny gig. It worked, kind of. He cried for about 1/2 hour on and off, until he finally fell asleep, in his own bed. I sat there for a while, waiting for him to wake, and when he didn't, I snuck out to finish working on the computer. After a little while, he started crying. So I went in, gave him a quick hug and kiss, and laid him back down and took my respective spot in the rocking chair. He quickly fell back asleep, then Dad came in asking about something. I answered in a whisper, he motioned that he couldn't hear me. I said it again, a little louder but still in a whisper. Still couldn't hear me. I responded again, in a slightly louder whisper, then it happened. CRYING. UGH! "GET OUT" I mouthed to my husband. I tried and tried to lay him back down but to no avail. So instead, I got him out of the bed, put his coat and shoes on and we went outside to help daddy with the pond. Yes, he was happy, tired, but happy. Fell asleep about 6:30 (after "eating" his supper described above) and off we go. Needless to say, yes, Brighton will be back in our "family bed" tonight, but we'll try the Super Nanny gig again tomorrow for nap time, so long as I can hold out.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Breaking Golden Rules
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Two Glorious Days
Starting next Monday, I'm going back to Yoga. Janel probably thinks I've deserted her sessions, but I haven't. Really. I think about them every Monday and Wednesday. I just can't get myself to go. Probably part of this funk that I'm going through.
Bright and I went to Panera's today to visit with "the gang". We had a showing this morning at 8 (or was it 8:30?) and so I loaded up the dogs and brighton and we left for the morning. Though I ended up at Panera's, then to Barnes and Noble (Old Navy wasn't open yet) then to Old Navy, then to Von Maur, then to Baby Gap, a brief stint at The Gap, on to Sears then back to Von Maur and then to Fareway for ground beef for the meatloaf I'm making for supper. Brighton was his usual entertaining self. Flirting with the ladies and talking stocks with all the men.
Now for the last three hours, he's been meandering around the house catching up on all the floor time he missed this morning as the bags under his eyes grow ever-so-much darker. Yes, I can tell he's tired but he just won't give in. So I do. I figure he'll just poop himself out and eventually fall asleep in the middle of the floor curled up next to the dog or something. Or perhaps he'll just fall asleep here in my lap as I type. Either way, at least I can say he's got a nap in today...
Monday, October 09, 2006
One More Thing - 30 ways to eat a pumpkin

Thought you might like to know thirty ways to eat a pumpkin. If I'm not terrified of botchulism, I might try the pumpkin pancakes. (from Yahoo! Buzz Log on The Buzz)
"When trick-or-treaters hit the streets at the end of this month, they will be winked at and jeered by a nation of flickering Jack O'Lanterns. Already, buzz on "pumpkin carving" has spiked 130%, while searches on pumpkin stencils, patterns, and pictures have rustled upwards.
But there's another stage where autumn's thick-skinned fruit plays a more nourishing, if unsung, role—and that's at the kitchen table. Sure, everyone snacks on roasted pumpkin seeds and digs into pumpkin pie at this time of year. But when's the last time you sank your spoon into a finely wrought pumpkin Crème Brulee? Or woke to a steaming plate of pumpkin pancakes? Whether you have or haven't, we're sure you'll find something new to devour in this list of the top 30 pumpkin recipes, as cooked up by Search...
Pumpkin Recipes
Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin Cookies
Pumpkin Bread
Pumpkin Soup
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin Cheesecake
Pumpkin Muffins
Pumpkin Roll Recipe
Pumpkin Cake
Canned Pumpkin Recipes
Pumpkin Pancakes
Pumpkin Bars Recipe
Pumpkin Jam
Pumpkin Dip
Pumpkin Spice Cake
Pumpkin Butter Recipe
Pumpkin Spice Coffee
Pumpkin Ice Cream
Pumpkin Brownies
Pumpkin Cream Cheese Roll
Pumpkin Dump Cake
Pumpkin Ale
Pumpkin Desserts
Pumpkin Cupcakes
Pumpkin Crème Brulee
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
Pumpkin Ravioli Recipe
Pumpkin Fudge
Pumpkin Beer "
A Day of Bad News...
Today while i was nursing Bright, I had a tickle in my throat and so I turned my head away from him (but he could still see my profile) and coughed. He pulled off, looked up at me, and coughed - an obviously fake cough. THen back to what he was doing. The pulled off again, coughed, and back again. I think he did this four or five times. He even had the tongue motion correct. What a hoot that boy is. I've got our lederhosen and suitcase set aside just incase we decide to get that one way ticket to Norway. I could still Blog in Norway, right?
Anxious Crazies

It was a normal wake up this morning. About 7:30 I hear bits and pieces of words, silly noises and see my sweet lovely boy greeting me. Then I turn on the Tele. That was my first mistake. First I hear about freako Kim Jung Il testing nuclear weapons off of the N Korea shore despite everyone in the free world, including China, asking them not to. And of course, the media encorporates their view of everything, "when will the N. Koreans strike the U.S.?" I'm sure this kept terrified viewers tuned in to their channel. So I switch. To another lovely story with Meridith on channel 7. There I see Donald Trump and some other wealthy looking fellow telling us that the middle class is disappearing (big surprise) and you'll be either rich or poor, why not choose rich? And in order to do that, of course, you have to buy their new book. Do we look stupid? Apparently. So I wake up happy to see my beautiful, happy, innocent boy and twenty minutes later, I have a hole in my gut brewing with fear and anxiety about becomming poor and not being able to feed my child unless I come up with some cooky idea that all the rich will want or write a book on how to become FILL IN THE BLANK and worrying about the present and future safety of my child. The first thing that comes to my mind is "Grab some lederhosen and move to Norway."
Friday, October 06, 2006
Growing Up

Last Friday we went to Coralridge Mall for their family night. I didn't know that they had a free family night on the last Friday of each month! But I know now! You can get into the Children's Museum free (usually $5 EACH for adults and kids over 1) and free carousel rides from 5-9...Or is it 7-9? Regardless, it was free and tons of fun! Andrew couldn't believe that I went to the mall and didn't buy anything. Skeptic.

That Friday night happened also to be the eve of the big Ohio state / University of Iowa football game, so we got a surprise visit from Herkey! Brighton wasn't sure what to think. I've cleverly photoshopped the majority of myself out of the photo...what you can't see is Brighton's white nuckle grasp on my shirt holding on for dear life incase that big bird like thing decided to eat him!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
In the middle of the night . . .
Friday, September 29, 2006
Tickle Tickle Giggle Giggle
Brighton had his 16 month birthday and still is not walking. I am told that this is still normal for this age. Sometimes it just takes a bit longer, and they usually don't look into any physical problems until after 18 months. We went to the orchard on Wednesday and while we were in the gourd patch, unbenounced to him, he stood all on his own. For like 15 seconds. Twice. The trick is not letting him know it. It's like he doesn't want to do it because he's afraid he will fall. He'll do it if he knows he won't fall. But until then, he's still cruising and crawling and of course, climbing. But right now, he's napping, which is why I have a second to blog :)
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Toddlers revert back to our cromagnon ancestery

Monday, September 18, 2006
Mother Nature
Brighton has not only learned the art of making the dog chase after a tennis ball, he has also learned to answer "yes" by nodding his head when we ask him questions. "Do you need your diaper changed?" "yes." "Are you hungry?" "yes." "Are you sleepy?" "yes." Now, he hasn't learned "No" very well just yet, but we get the idea that he is no longer hungry when he starts spitting his food out of his mouth or throwing the fork with noodles still attached directly at your head.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Brighton's four teeth still haven't come through yet. Poor kid. He can't just get one or two at a time he has to get them all at the same time. So now he's got a double snotty nose from allergies and from teeth.
Bright started a new Day Care a few weeks ago and things seem to be going good so far. I get the feeling they really work with him and he seems to have caught on to a few things since being there. He now gives me kisses with his mouth puckered and his nose all squished up and makes that "mmmmmmuoah" sound. It is the cutest thing ever. He's still not keen on performing for people but we still try. He has also just discovered ears. Mine, Daddy's, his, puppy's, yours if you give him the chance :)
Just a quick house update, no we haven't heard anything from our realtor regarding the last showing, two weeks ago. You know, the one we spent two days cleaning for? It's so discouraging. I was hoping we'd be able to hand out candy this year at our own house. We're thinking of dropping the price a bit too. I don't know that much is moving right now anyway. There are some houses here in Mc Ville that have been sitting for over a year. That doesn't make me feel any better...
Well, I better be off. My tissue (a strip of toilet paper) is getting pretty slimey, so I better go change and take some more sudafed...
Have a good week everyone!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Labor Day Weekend Indeed!
Enough about Brighton's family life. Here's some new things he's doing! Tom and Sally got him a

He's teething again. Getting four more we thing that are causing him a lot of grief. Snotty nose, sore gums, sometimes a bad attitude (but that's probably just his mom's genes coming out). He's not very good about performing for people. I ask him where his nose is and he just looks at me like "nose? What nose?" But I suppose I'd better get used to that huh? This morning, he decided to getup at 4:55. Mom was up stressing, Dad had just gotten up and so he must have been cold lying in bed all by himself. But he woke up in a good mood, so that's a good start. Well, I better go get some coffee in me before I fall asleep on the keyboard. We have a big day ahead!
Have a great short week!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
My house was clean two minutes ago, sorry you missed it.
curiosity seems to also equal climbing on EVERYTHING. And I do mean everything. If he had pointier ears I would swear he was part "kitty". The other thing that seems to be a favourite toddler past time is following behind mommy after she's just picked up 5008 books and put them in their rightful places and pulling them back out onto the floor. I think today, collectively, I've done this 38 times. Then there's the wooden train. It was so romantic of me to think, while I was pregnant of course, of my little boy calmly pushing his toy train around the room. **ENTER DREAM SEQUENCE** Gently he would take the blocks off of the train and because he was so brilliant and calm, he would replace them exactly where they were when the toy was purchased. Then he would return to his gentle play. Perhaps, even, taking a much cherished stuffed bear and hugging it to sleep after giving mommy and daddy a kiss on the cheek **SMACK YOURSELF BACK INTO REALITY!**...Ok that last part was pretty corny...But you get the idea. Oh no romantic fantasies here. The minute mom or dad puts the train back together again, he briskly pulls off every block until the poor wooden spokes are again naked. I'm not sure where the blocks disappear to but we've lost almost one per day since we bought the train this past weekend.
Does this give us some kind of insight to my son's future character? In what job does a person rip things apart just for the pure joy of it, but not assemble them back together again? The only things that cross my mind are past episodes of CSI Las Vegas. I suppose I should give him a little time since he really is only 15 months old and is not going to get a job for at least another 15 years and not go to college for at least 16. OK, 17 but still. I guess so long as he's not stabbing goldfish or drowning neighborhood cats I need not worry...(don't worry, he would never do such a thing. He makes it abundantly clear that he loves all of his pets and would never stab them and it's hard to drown a fish...)
By the way, he has learned where his nose is, where mummy's nose is, where daddies nose is, where his feet are (where his shoes go), and where his teeth are. He also enjoys giving us very slobbery kisses. I'm trying to teach him Euro kisses (cheek to cheek) but he has yet to master it.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
4:00 AM

Brighton also has some new fascinations. One being his belly button. And everyone elses belly button. He's infatuated with trucks, or tractors, or anything with big wheels. His new most favorite toy is none other than a big cardboard box with "windows" cut out.
He also has a new bestest buddy...You can barely see her in the photo but that's Brighton laying on Feebee in Dad's chair. I was working on the computer yesterday and didn't hear anything so I went to check on him and this is what I found. I had to literally tip toe back into the sunroom to grab the camera.

We have a new visitor whom I thought was just coming to see us out of the curiosity of our human lived inside this big box called a house. Saturday morning a squirrel decided to peer unscrupiously into our kitchen window. Of course, Andrew noticed him first and he scared the daylights out of Andrew. He immediately presumed the squirrel was rabid, which I assured him the squirrel probably was not. Turns out, he was just eating my petunias in the windowboxes on the I left him three of my prized pecans and bought a squirrel feeder which I still have to fill with corn.
Monday, August 21, 2006
A Day at the Park

When we came home, we were both pretty whiped and hot. So we decided to hop into the shower to cool off. Almost immediately upon removing his diaper, he stood up by the tub and peed on it! Great, this is the start of something isn't it? So he took a bath, I took a shower. When we finished, I took him into the bedroom to put his diaper back on and get him ready for his nap. Before I could grab the diaper, he looked down at his boy parts as if something curious was about to happen. Then it came. The spray of baby urine soaking my just cleaned bedspread. "No no no!!!" GREAT! So I quickly put the diaper on (backwards first eventually the right way) then proceeded to fold laundry while he wore himself out crawling around the floor. Back to the predatory behaviors of toddlers. It was useless to try to fold the laundry, so I pitched what was left of it back into the basket and nursed the little turkey to sleep.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Yoga and Toddlers don't mix

This morning I attempted to perform my "spine release" TRI yoga routine. I knew it would be difficult with the little man roaming free, but I had no idea. As I was in child pose after another particularly difficult pose I chose to forget about , focusing on my ooji breathing I hear "CRASH!" I break my relaxation to look up at my one year old climbing his favorite, mount end table, and tossing the equivalent of a flag, the lamp, off the table. I pause my video. Check to make sure nothing is broken, and remove said toddler from the end table.
Back to natural breath and natural seat and completion mudra. Beginning cobra, I lie flat on the ground, face down, as I begin cobra one (just lifting chest using back strength). Triumph. Toddler is somewhere playing with toys. I return on exhale to face to floor, and begin cobra one and go into cobra two. Toddler sees me doing this and thinks "hey, I'll just go see what she's doing". I hear the faint "plop plop plop" of quick toddler hands against the floor then as I ascend into cobra, I can hear and feel several of my bang hairs being pulled out by sticky little hands who love the feel of the yoga mat. I breathe through the immediate pain. Then, I see (and feel) slobbery, spitty, wet raspberries in my face.

Friday, August 04, 2006
Silliness & Disappointment
On with the funnies.
Last night Brighton learned how to give raspberries. He learned on my boob while nursing. He thinks it's terribly funny and I suppose we do'nt help when we laugh at him. Well, it is pretty funny. I am hoping to be able to record the sound. We got a video of it but that will not be released due to it's graphic nature. haha.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Leaving San Diego Breezy

Brighton had a good time at the zoo despite the fact that he has been exhausted and hot for the last week. He especially liked the girraffes and elephants. He liked the pandas, but not as much as mom. I'll upload those photos when we get home. Until then, goodnight and God Bless.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Sittin' in San Diego