Monday, December 11, 2006

Overcaffeinated and undertired

Once again, I overdid the caffeine tonight at work. I even made my grande caramel macchiatto with 1/2 caf. Guess it doesn't count when you still have one shot of full leaded espresso in your drink huh? Anyway, I am tired, I just have to wind down I guess. So I put on my sleeping socks and made myself a cup of citrus green tea which will keep me up all night going to the bathroom.

Brighton is doing so many funny (and annoying) things nowadays. He's definitely testing his limits with mom. I'm not sure if he does this with Dad or not but I'm inclined to think "No." His current favorite toy is a green laundry basket. His favorite game is for mom to carry him around in it and tip it over with him in it. Don't worry, he's prepared, doesn't hit his head and giggles the whole time. My son, the stunt man. I attempted to get his photo in the basket, but as you can see, he caught sight of the camera, and decided it would be more fun to grab that instead. We also decided to go ahead and decorate the tree - with ornaments. This was great fun for Brighton. If I had a good pic, you could see that the tree is only decorated 2/3 the way down, stopping at approximately Brighton Height. Well, apparently my typing has awoken the sleeping bear, so I must tend to my offspring. Have a grand night everyone!

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