Sunday, October 22, 2006

Ya do whatcha gotta do...

Sometimes, I've learned, you have to relent and give in to a toddlers' insatiable need for discovery and making a mess. No, this isn't a repeat of the spagettio fiasco. For some reason, Brighton found my purse particularly interesting tonight. Perhaps it was because I pulled him off the table three thousand, seven hundred twenty two times tonight, or perhaps it was because he just figured out the zipper, or maybe it was the lure of danger in messing with my expensive wallet, checkbook cover and business card holder. In any case, he found my purse terribly interesting. I'd read about finding various coins in baby poo, but I never really believed it. Until tonight. Brighton painstakingly pulled out every loose coin in my purse, laid it on the floor, then one by one put them in his mouth and took them out again. I'm not sure if I'm missing any, I think I got them all, and I don't think he likes the taste of copper. Next he found a tootsie roll wrapper from fall of 2005 and began mouthing it. Lastly, he found a starbucks straw wrapper (imagine that) that is still laying in 1/4 inch pieces all over the floor. But hey, I got supper made, the critters fed, the dishes put away and finished up handwashing some. So I guess it all works out right?

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