Monday, November 13, 2006

Little bit of nothing

Well, this is the last day of my long weekend hiatus. I finally after two weeks got a day (actually three days) off. I worked Friday night but that doesn't count. :) Andrew, Gma Mary, Brighton and I all went to Tanger Outlet Mall on Saturday to do some Christmas shopping. We got a lot done! Brighton of course, came out like a champ.

Today I took Brighton to the doctor because he had a funny looking sore on the back of his leg and since he's been so snotty and at times incorridgable I suspected he had another ear infection. Sure enough, he did. Dr. didn't know what the spot on his leg was. Might be an ingrown hair (at this age?!) might have been a bug bite, might be some kind of icky virus. He has a few spots around his mouth that she wants me to watch to see if they turn into anything, but she didn't quarantine him or anything so I assume it's OK. It looked watery yesterday but is crusted over today. It's very weird. He's already been through the chicken pox this year.

Brighton is entering that stage where he gets frustrated at every little thing. His car getting stuck on the doorway is cause to lie down and wail. Mom can't hold him and cook at the same time...DRAMA! Our house is one big opera lately. But he's also doing some very fun things too. Like blowing kisses, giving the dog and cats kisses, giving mom and dad kisses and hugs, taking steps here and there when encouraged and not tired, dancing all the time. Oh if you were a fly on the wall...

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