Monday, November 07, 2005
Trying to stay home today. Bright and I aren't feeling great, but the sun is out and I'm getting antsy. Thought we might go mall walking and I'd exchange his hat. But so far I'm still sitting on my butt not having even brushed my teeth yet let alone taken a shower. Bright needs a bath too, but we're feeling pretty crappy. So I guess we better just stay home.
We stayed in bed this morning until 10:30 or so then I came out here and have been on the computer, not doing what I need to be doing, but just playing. Fixing pictures etc.
Brighton managed to sit up for a couple of minutes today on his own!! Without the boppy! I sat him up on the bed with a wedge behind him and a pillow on either side. He sat there for a while, long enough for me to get my camera and take a couple of pictures before he came tumbling down :) Goldarnit is he cute or what?