Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Big News Day before Thanksgiving!

BIG NEWS!!! Brighton is sitting up all by himself!!! YAY! baby is growing up. Before I know it he'll be walking then talking then graduating from college!!! But I guess I shouldn't think that far ahead or I'll get depressed. Anyway he's sitting by himself! It's so much nicer giving him a bath nowadays. As of lately we've been bathing together. Ever since his ear infection anyway. He seems to like playing in the tub with his toys. I'm really jsut there to hold him up on his spongey thing.

Monday we went to Panera's to meet some friends of mine and to show off Brighton to his Panera Fans (Lorrenne, Jan, Duane and Naiome . :) I met Kim (Lorrenne's Daughter in law and my friend) and her daughter Katie there. I also saw an old friend (she's not old, it's just been a long time since I've seen her) Annie and her daughter Greta. Sure was nice to see her again, and her daughter is adorable!! Well, I'm just wasting time here getting ready for group, so I better put the photos up and get going.

PS If you get this via email, you will have to visit the website to see the photos :( Sorry about that. Click on
Also, just incase you're worried about having your photo posted for all of the Internet to see, don't worry, I have this set up as a private blog, so only those who have the address can see it :)

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