Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Brighton went to work with me today. Thankfully, I work with wonderful people in a small clinic where I can do that when needed. He just lay in his pack and play, chewed on his toys, watched baby einstein DVD until I came back in to feed him. Then we switched to A Midsummer Night's Dream, and he fell soundly asleep for about three hours!! He had some malt-o-meal and chewed on a piece of pear (but he didn't eat any). That might have done it. That and that it was warm in the clinic today.

It is kind of fun to let him experience eating "grown up" food. He thinks he needs to grab at anything we have in our hands. Yesterday I couldn't keep him out of the dish that his rice cereal was in! And we have to stop him because he won't stop eating. I know when he's full because he will turn his head and become distracted. But he sees the spoon and still wants more! He's so silly. I'm not sure how much of the MOM or Rice he ACTUALLY ingested to be honest. He has put my fears of him not wanting to nurse once he starts "real" food to rest. He wants his cake and to eat it too :)

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