Monday, January 01, 2007

So Smart!

Our little man is so smart. Just as we'd suspected, he's been absorbing everything and just playing it out in his mind before he commits to actually showing us that he knows it. :) Lastnight when I got home from work, we stood in front of the fridge that has several Christmas Photos of friends and realtives. He dutifully pointed out "Grammy" "Tom" "Sally" "Indy" "Tom and Sally's '56" "Jill" "Jackie" Even Jason who he's only seen once or twice while in San Diego! This morning, he showed me where Guinness' (the cat) eyes, nose, ears, mouth, feet and whiskers were. He tried to point out the same features on Feebee (the dog) but she couldn't contain her tongue for licking him so he really couldn't do it, but I know he knew where they all were!! He, also, this morning while eating breakfast, looked up at the refrigerator and said "tom" and "sally" which really sounded more like "dum" and "seelee" but Dad and I knew what he was saying. Now we'll just have to watch our mouths so he doesn't sound like a sailor when he's two...

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