Friday, January 19, 2007


Yesterday was a crazy day. Brighton was sick with the flu, I just started my period the day before after not having it for almost two and a half years (I'm not counting after he was born) so my hormones were out of control!!! But we snuggled a lot I got puked on a lot, did a lot of laundry and didn't eat all day because I didn't want to eat or drink in front of my poor boy who by the end of the day was very hungry and very thirsty (he did eventually get pedialyte after he stopped vomiting every hour). The day ended with him getting a fever, and then not having ANY interest in drinking anything. He wanted to nurse but as the fever came up, he threw up again. So, Andrew went to get him some fever all suppositories (acetaminophen) which made all three of us a bit uncomfortable. But his fever quickly came down and he went to bed. I checked on him all through the night and he hadn't vomited, his fever was gone and he slept soundly until about 7:45 this morning. So, it's a much better day and I'm happy to say I'm slinging coffee tonight. It'll be good for me to get out of this house!

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