Monday, July 02, 2007

It's Summertime!

Baseball games, camping out in the back yard, dad cleaning the garage...Yep, it's officially summer! June 30 was Brighton's second Kernels Game but the first one was almost 2 years ago and he was just a button. He did go to a San Diego Padre's game, but still was a little too young to really enjoy it. Boy he enjoyed it this time! Andrew's work "picnic" was at the Kernels again this year. They gave us all ticket + enough $$ for one beer or $10 in kernels cash (which is 1 beer each).

Once Brighton warmed up, he was all about entertaining everyone around us. To the point that some people who didn't have kids got up and left :) MORE ROOM FOR US! He ran up and down our aisle, poked people around us with his and Eva's foam fingers, managed to make everyone laugh so hard they snorted. I've seen this side of my son before, but not quite to this extent. He was in all out entertainer mode.

Afterwards were fireworks (The Kernels won by the way) which Brighton fell asleep for last year so he's never really seen them until then. Naturally, he didn't like the noise, but he did like the colors. It was after 9 by then and he kept saying to us "Home" "Night night" "Home"...we got the point and got out of there. We were barely 15 minutes into our drive home and he was surprise :)

Oh, and Daddy won a digital frame! I can't wait to try it out!

Last night Daddy had his annual camp out. He set up his tent and the air mattress in our back yard. We wanted to see how Brighton would do camping outside. Needless to say though it was cold outside, it was HOT in the tent and Brighton was all wired up. He would jump on the mattress, then hit the screen, then Dad and Mom and Bright would have some silly time. It was chaos. My back can't really take the air mattress, but I thought I'd give it the ol' college try anyway.

We went to bed probably around 8:30 but it was going on 9:30 or 10 and Brighton wasn't going to sleep. Finally, I couldn't take it any longer and we came inside and Brighton slept in our bed. So much for the ol' college try!! Maybe next year...

There's lots more photos. Visit my picasa web albums for more. Click on the 2007 JULY album for camping and 2007 JUNE album for the baseball game.
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