Monday, May 28, 2007


Ok, not quite sure why picasa chose this pic to post since I chose a totally different photo. Perhaps it was reading my mind because I'd THOUGHT of posting this. On with the blog.

Brighton is officially TWO! I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday we were sitting in the hospital room waiting and waiting to meet this beautiful child! Just wondering who he would be. Would he be cute? Would he look like mom or dad? Would he be a fussy baby or an easy going baby? Would it matter? Would I notice the difference? What would we do with a baby?! Needless to say, all those questions (with the exception of who he looks like) have been answered. He has really been the most wonderful blessing to both of us. I finally admitted yesterday that I do indeed spoil him...(is 10 thomas the tank engines plus tracks plus tunnels plus extension sets plus a party plus ... for his birthday overkill?) I always said "this baby is not going to be spoiled! We're not going to have our living room overrun with toys!" HAHA! How can you say no to that face? We hadn't expected that he'd be A. so sweet and B. oh so cute! and C. have those puppydog eyes. Yes, my boy is spoiled, but that's OK. He's not rotten just yet. Yet.

He's starting to learn all kinds of new phrases and words. He's picked up the whole "I TOOOO!" thing when you ask how old he is. He will hold out his two index fingers to indicate the number. He can't quite figure out how to make a "V" with his one hand yet. Though I'm sure no one but Grammy, Dad and Mom will believe it because he looks at us like we're out of our everloving minds when we ask him to tell us how old he is in front of anyone else. His other new thing is "Ow!" whenever you're doing something he doesn't particularly like. Like holding his hand to cross the street or picking him up so he doesn't continue to run around the mall making his mom and dad crazy. That's a real joy. I don't know where he picked this up at but I'm sure someone will make sure DHS knows that our little two year old is running around saying "OW!" I can hear the phone call now. He's also figured out that the cat says "MEOW". He used to just kind of make a high pitched grunting noise to imitate the cat, but now it's an all out "MEEEOOOW." Cute as the dickens. And he calls Feebee in for bed "peebee." And "peebee" happily obliges and gives a few extra kisses if Bright is anywhere within licking distance. "I pee" is another new one. You've seen the "I poop" blog, now we have #1 to go along with #2. He tells us all kinds of dramatic stories, complete with pitiful facial expressions, but we just empathize and try to pick out the words that we know. He seems so serious and so affected that you have to control your giggle and say "oh really? Oh that's too bad!!" Or whatever. Gotta switch it up once in a while or he catches on.

Will keep you abreast of all new words and things as we go. But for now, it's 11:30 PM and I need to get to bed. Have a great day.
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