Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Ok, I'm pooped is more like it. I can't believe it's been so long since I've blogged. We are officially in the "twos" now. Brighton will be two years old at the end of this month. Can you believe it?! I sure can't. We're finally settling back into our routine again since Dad's been home. He was off galavanting in Florida and Pennsylvania for a week and a half and I got to stay home with Bright and the dogs...but I won't go into that, at least not now and not here.

Brighton's newest thing is telling us when he poops. Or toots. Or has to poop or toot. And now that he has a big boy potty, whenever he invades the bathroom when I'm going, he too has to sit on his potty and say "I poop!" He's getting to be such a big boy. It makes me so sad...but he's getting to be a lot of fun too. He is 90% hysterical (funny), 5% charming, 5% stinker. (don't worry, the picture is just after his bath when he told me he had to "poop" and I was attempting to cover his privates which he thought was terribly funny so I had to snap the picture QUICK!)

Another fascination of his these days is his ball. Ball Ball Ball Ball. Football, basketball, baseball, dora ball, cat toy ball, anything round and throwable is a ball. He even sleeps with his dora ball. There's always been something comforting in the circle shape for me. Something about the softness of it, the all-encompassing & neverending line. Maybe he feels the same way. Whatever his fascination is, I'm glad we have a dog that shares his fascination. They keep each other busy for sections of time long enough that Dad or I can get something accomplished :)

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