Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St Patrick's Day!

I was kindof hoping today would be warmer so Bright and I could go to the parade. We still might go but we'll see. The sun looks like it's trying to come out. I would like to get some corned beef and cabbage for lunch for Andrew and I. I've never even had corned beef and cabbage. What kind of an Irish Lass am I anyway? Maybe it's not a good idea since Brighton has his 9 monht photos tonight at 4 PM. Speaking of which, I have no clue what he's going to wear, what props we're going to use, nothing! I'm totally unprepared this time around. My hair is purple...YES purple!!!

Brighton hasn't missed his old daycare. Tuesday he had a great time at his cousin Carrie's with his fifth or sixth cousin Connor who is only about three weeks older than Brighton, but is almost twice as big and is walking!!! Then yesterday, he went to my friend Jennifer's house in North Liberty and her daughter Rachel watched him all day while I was at work. She did a great job, but Mr. Brighton hasn't been wanting to sleep during the day lately. I think his teeth are bothering him, so we'll keep the tylenol handy today.

Well, little mister is on my lap and making it very difficult to type so I'm going to wrap this up. Happy st. patty's day!

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