Saturday, December 22, 2007

New Phrases for the Holidays

All I want for Christmas is for my son to come up with some more ways to make us laugh.  Seriously.  He's been really cracking us up lately.  Here are a few of his new phrases:

"That's not appropriate"

"Mommy, you stink"

"is that my daddy?"

"I need a kleenex, don't want to wipe it on my sleeve" (speaking of his snot)

"I want presents"

"I want toys"

"There's a monkey in her bed!" while reading "Good night Gorilla"

So many things he's doing now that just crack us up on a daily basis.  I'm going to have to start carrying around a note pad...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Holiday Frazzle Dazzle

As I sit here listening to the angelic voices of the Vienna Boy's Choir singing to the video of "word world" on PBS, I wonder if I will ever ever ever get all these goals for Christmas "cheer" accomplished for myself.  It's taken me this long (it's now almost 11 pm) to get Brighton fed, start a roast for dinner, give Brighton his snack, change two poopy diapers, brush teeth, make coffee, put dishes away, wash dishes in sink that are not dishwasher safe, wonder to myself "why the heck do we buy things that aren't dishwasher safe?", toss cat off the thermal bag that holds the crock pot (even though he has a perfectly good bed he COULD be laying in,) download a holiday album from iTunes, let dog out to go to the bathroom (again,) finally sit down to assemble my arsenal of recipes for holiday candy (sans the peanut butter ball recipe I search for every year and can not find until after Christmas,) and feeling a bit overwhelmed by all these tasks, I grab my trusty mac and blog.  


All of a sudden I feel like it is a completely impossible task for me to even THINK that I might get all this done.  Oh yeah, and I have to make snacks and wrap a gift for Brighton's preschool exchange...and finish the handmade Christmas presents I'm making for our nieces and nephews, and those two custom orders.  YIKES!  I better suck up the dirty look he just gave me and get this cat off my arm and close the laptop.  Brighton is requesting "Thomas" which is now on PBS.  

Friday, December 14, 2007

A Blogworthy Moment

Ok so Andrew is right, I haven't been blogging lately.  There have been hundreds of time when while in the moment, I think to myself "this is a blogworthy moment!" or when I get that pang of sadness when Brighton does something that makes him seem like such a little boy and I realize he's not a baby anymore.  But usually those moments are followed by oh I don't know, a supreme meltdown of epic proportions or I realize that I've forgotten to pick up milk from the store, or whatever.  You get the idea.  It seems my life is like one big race.  Racing from running here and there getting these things done then rushing home to get my son in bed before 4 pm for his nap.  

In addition, my online business has been doing really pretty well.  I don't sell near as
 much as some people on etsy but I keep a pretty steady stream and as soon as I get a new one up or finished, I sell one.  I'm also making them for christmas presents too, so that's taking a big chunk out of mty time.  Which is great, I'm not complaining!  But it's keeping me busy.  

Anyway, I thought I'd blog about a blogworthy moment we had this morning.  We finished breakfast and went to brush our teeth.   Brighton decided he wanted to go potty on his potty.  As to not discourage him, I said "OK!"  And we took his pants and diaper off.  First he wouldn't sit on his potty chair (it was probably cold...) then he finally sat.  I attempted to show him how we push his "penis" down under the guard.  Of course, at this he laughed and laughed and laughed. 

"I'm done" he says.  

"Ok, let's go put a new diaper on"

"new diaper?"

"Yep, new diaper.  Let's pull your pants up."

"Pants on?"

"Yep!  Pants on.  Now lets go to your room."

We pull up his pants and he starts to giggle uncontrollably.  Which of course gets me giggling.   I know why he's laughing.  And this may be too personal for most people but he's just a little boy learning about his body.  So here goes.  He's laughing because anytime anything other than a diaper touches his penis he giggles uncontrollably.  

"My penis is in there" giggle giggle giggle...

"Yes, it is, so lets go to your bedroom quickly before you wet your pants"

"HAHHAHAHAHA My peeeeeeenissss"

"OMG," I think to myself.  "Is this normal?  At least he's not calling it his "wacker" like daddy taught him to."  

So giggling all the while we walk to his bedroom, which takes him decidedly longer to get to because he has no diaper on and is laughing the entire way while exclaiming "My penis is in there!"

We try to be good parents, we really do.  We lose our patience sometimes and let him have things he shouldn't sometimes, but when it comes to these important things, like being honest and not prudish about his body, I sure hope we're doing the right thing.   One thing I don't want for my son is for him to feel uncomfortable in his own skin or be ashamed of any part of his body.   But there's a fine line between teaching him to be comfortable and creating a potential streaker...I hope we haven't crossed that line...YIKES!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Let's Play Ball Dad!

Marcy has recently been overcome by writers block, I think she is having too much fun blogging with all of her creative Etsy friends.

Winter hasn't started yet and Brighton and I are feeling cooped up. Every night Brighton pulls on my shirt and says, "Get up Dad, I want to play ball". So up I go and we play ball on the living room or sunroom floor. He doesn't care if we are crowded, just as long as he can "kick the ball higher". I still remember all of the fun we had playing ball outside in October and can't wait until March or April and we can go out again and play on the muddy/wet grass. I guess as long as he has fun and mom isn't home to see us getting dirty, we will be ok.

- Dad