Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Fits and Fury and First Tastes of Naugty Spots

For those of you who think Andrew and I were blessed with the most perfect, sweetest, most patient and kind baby boy ever, I encourage you to take a long look at these photos. I know I know, Andrew and I thought he was perfect, and raising him would be a cinch. Sure, it was hard to get him to start nursing, sure, he spits his food out when he is no longer interested in it, sure, he insists on wearing snowboots when there is NO SNOW, but tell him "No Milkies," and this is what you get. Let me give you a quick synopsis of the morning that led to the photos:

Mom didn't wake up when toddler wanted her to so he started freaking out in his bed. Mom went to get toddler, changed his diaper, asked if he wanted toast and grapes or waffles and a banana for breakfast. Toddler made the sign for "milk" (meaning to nurse). Mom said "no baby, toast and grapes? Sippy?" Toddler started throwing a fit. Mom gave toddler a sippy cup with milk from the fridge. Toddler threw cup at dog. Toddler ended up in time out on the couch for two minutes (and he stayed there!).

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