Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentines Day Present

For Valentines Day, my dear darling husband bought me an iPod Nano. I was thinking about wanting one, but if I didn't get one, I wasn't going to be terribly upset. that I have it...I've spent most of the morning checking out all the TOTALLY COOL AND FREE iPod podcasts from NPR and Story time for kids. See, Brighton has a stroller with an "acoustic" canopy. Which just means that it has little pockets with mesh on the inside of the canopy that hide a little head set with separate speakers inside of another pocket on the back of the stroller canopy. Ok, so not so impressive. But, when I hook up my iPod..he can hear stories and music while we're strolling around the mall! Is that COOL or WHAT?!

I've been into listening to books on tape since I worked at Yellowbook. It's a great way to pass the time and I find I work better when I can concentrate on something other than the task at hand. I know, sounds silly, but I've always been that way. Especially when I'm grooming. I can groom with my eyes closed just about so if I have a story to focus my thoughts on, I can focus my eyes and hands on grooming. Anyway, I can upload podcasts from NPR or books and listen to them on my special new radio that I can attach my iPod to and listen to it (and it has a remote control!)

I'm not one to get all excited really over these kinds of gadgets, unless of course, it is useful for something I'm interested in. And this I am. So I'm super excited about my new iPod Nano. Which, by the way, we got for a GREAT deal at the apple store online. It was refurbished, so it was less than $100...right honey? AND I can add photos to my Nano! It's not the most recent updated fancy schmancy iPod, but I love it anyway! Thanks Honey :)

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