Sunday, July 16, 2006

Up, up, and away...eventually

Well, we're sitting here in the airport waiting for our plane to arrive and waiting to board. My lovely husband insisted on arriving 2 hours the Cedar Rapids airport. Wha?! Oh well, we weren't doing anything at home and were able to stop at Target for a bagel and coffee (and some airborne, and a syringe for Brighton's benadryl which has already been dispensed) before we left. I was able to make it to the bathroom and change Brighton's diaper, give him his benadryl, and finally go to the bathroom myself.

It's funny how when you come into the airport now, you automatically look at everyone to make sure you're not riding with the next shoe bomber or the next highjacker. But I tell you what, I could exhaust myself worrying about it, so I'm not going to. I think the only thing Andrew is worried about is when, how, and where Brighton is going to poop his pants. He's afraid of a big blowout on take off or landing and we'll have to be stranded with the fragrance of it until we can escape and change it. Maybe we should have brought a car air freshener to hang around his neck. Oh well, we thought of everything else, I think.

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