Monday, January 30, 2006

We've gone interactive

Eating, bathing, nursing, falling asleep have all become interactive activities nowadays. While eating, Brighton now likes to feed himself. We've starting giving him "pincer" foods. Like toast, deli meat and veggie-puffs. He's still getting the hang of it, but has yet to master it. He's also starting to use a sippy cup without spitting it all over his front.

While bathing, Brighton has discovered splashing. Which is pretty cute. I think he did it by accident once and now loves it. He also loves to be splashed. He will open his mouth and stick out his tongue so the water can fall into his mouth.

While falling asleep or nursing, Brighton now likes to "flip my lip". He takes his fingers and pulls my bottom lip down and flips it to make the sound. Then he giggles and slowly drifts off to sleep. He missed frequently and Mom ends up with scratches on her face or fingers in her nose. Lovely. Thanks Daddy Andrew for teaching him that trick :)

He's also discovered poop. He actively reaches (sometimes) for the surprise in his diaper while changing. We've doubled our Diaper Changing speed thanks to this development.

Right now Brighton is fighting another cold. We're hoping that the green snot that bubbles out of his nose will not drain into his eustatian tubes and give him another ear infection. Well, I better be off, I can hear him on the monitor and he's ready for lunch.

To see photos, visit Brighton's picturetrail album.

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