Saturday, January 07, 2006

Finally!! His 6 (7) month pictures!!!

We finally got Brighton healthy enough and got over the holidays so we could get Bright's 6 month photos done :) They turned out awesome - as usual. We're still picking out pictures, but the ones on the picturetrail site are the one's that the photographer picked out.

Things in Brighton's world are going really well. He's still at 25% for weight, height and head circumference, which is fine. Dr. said she wants them to be proportionate, and that he is. I've started making his food (did I mention that already?). So far, I've made pears, sweet potatoes, apples and peas (he HATES peas...) He literally gags when he eats them. I think it's because the skins are so tough that they don't get blended really well and he doesn't like the texture. So we'll pitch those probably or keep them until he's a little older. Nice thing, they keep for two months in the freezer!

Dad and I ordered a new bed. Finally! A queen size. So our little family won't be all scrunched up together. But now, until we get it, we moved my frame over here and moved Andrew's ancient bed out and so now our bed is about a foot lower than it was and now it also sags in the middle, which is one reason I'm up adding to the blog at 11:30 at night. Anyway, I just checked in on my boys and they're both sleeping soundly. Which is what I'm going to try to go do right now. Have a good night all.


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