Sunday, June 10, 2007

He Can't BE!

He can't be ready to potty train yet...right? I get a phone call early yesterday morning while on my way to work from Dad telling me that Brighton went potty on his potty...WHAT? Dad was sitting on the pot and usually Brighton likes to sit on his potty too. We don't discourage this at this point for potty training purposes. We want him to feel as comfortable as possible on his big boy potty and if that means we sacrifice our toilet time privacy, so be it. It's not like we've ever had privacy anyway, with two dogs a cat and a kid. But I digress. Anyway, Brighton wanted to sit on his potty, so Dad took his diaper off (Brighton's not Dad's) and sat him in his potty. Dad flushed, left the room to get a new diaper and when he came back and lifted Brighton up, Bright had peed on his potty! YAY! He told dad "I POOP" *giggle giggle* I'm not sure it was deliberate, but he is getting really good at telling us when he poops or pees. But "I Poop" can also mean flatulance or urine. So we're working on distiguishing which is which. But it's a good start!

PS. I have been obsessed with lately. The gal at the coffee shop, Fuel, told me about this onesie, and even though Brighton is too big for onesies, I still want one for Brighton...because, well, just look at it!! You can find it at Mamamonkey's shop along with a whole host of other cool stuff!!
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