Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Maybe I should change the password...

OH I'M ONLY KIDDING! I do like it when Andrew posts. It's good to see his perspective on things. We decided to go with Amy for day care so far. She does a great job and it's only for a couple of months. It's not her I worry about, I'm trying to adjust to Brighton being around "big boys" but I can manage. I'm sure she wouldn't let anything happen to him.

Moving on...As Andrew mentioned, Brighton learned to climb the stairs this last weekend. WOO HOO...Even though I was IMMEDIATELY behind him, like almost with my hand on his rear end, it still freaked me out a little. He'd go up a few steps, stop and turn around and look at his progress. Then he'd get really excited, snort, bounce and off he went again. It really was cute.

This weekend was a good one for new things. He got bubbles for Easter which he liked to try to pop,

he encountered grass for the first time and found it very disturbing.
AND he got a new stroller. I tried explaining to Andrew that three strollers really isn't that bad. There's the every day mid size stroller for mall crawling, an umbrella stroller for a quick jaunt to the store, and the all terrain stroller for walking around town. I don't see anything wrong with that. I mean, we don't have to pay insurance on them or anything!!!

Today we went for a walk around Mount Vernon and down to the park where he swung (is taht right?) for the first time in a park swing. He had a grand time then promptly fell asleep as soon as I got to the car. So I kept going and into the nearest coffee shop until he woke up. We had a great day. See more pics on his picture trail site, but here are a few for you to get you interested.

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