Brighton is finally crawling! He's been getting to wherever he wanted to go for quite some time now by scooting, pivoting and rolling. But yesterday, I put him on the floor so I could do something and he caught eye of Feebee's tennis ball (gross) and off he went!! I couldn't believe my eyes so I called Andrew into the room to verify. Yep! He was doing it! I caught it on the camera's little mini video and if I figure out how to add it to one of the websites, I will do that. It's been an exciting week at our house!
We were also told to bring Valentines for his day care on Tuesday so I spent Friday night filling out valentines. Then yesterday I made cupcakes and today I will frost them when I get home. Rita asked if he could have a cookie or whatever I brought and I said that was OK, but now that I think about it, I don't want him to have a WHOLE cupcake!! I can tell her that tomorrow.
Bright's also decided he likes tostitos. He sucks on them until they're soggy. I think he likes the salt :) We don't let him indulge too often in those.