Monday, February 20, 2006

A Whole New Meaning...

My son has given the term "snot nose" a whole new meaning this week. Brighton has RSV. Respiratory Syncycial Virus . It's been a whole lotta fun let me tell you. But no matter how hard on mom and dad, I'm sure it's a lot harder on my little fella. Though he is getting better, which is why I'm able to finally update my blog, he still has to do breathing treatments every 6 hours for three more days then every 8 hours for three days after that. He's been having treatments every four hours since Thursday. Needless to say, we're not sleeping much or doing a whole lot either. I finally got out today to Target to get some groceries while Grammy Mary stayed with Brighton.
We were able to separate and put some of Brighton's "too old for" toys away in the storage garage. As you can see, he helped a lot...Seeing toys he hasn't seen for a while. He mostly just wanted to chew on the tags or the gourds behind him. :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Post Valentines

While I was out delivering flowers for Valentines day, Brighton was at day care eating cupcakes and having a good ol' time. Yes, I told them that Brighton could have SOME of a cupcake yesterday so he could feel part of the group. Today, however, my baby boy is sick. He's coughing and hacking and has a terrible snotty nose. I just hope it's not RSV. I called the doctor and she said that it would take about 4 days from the start to see if the other RSV symptoms start, like wheezing, hard breathing etc. But so far it's just a junky ol cold. So now that he's awake I better get going and give him some lunch. Have a great day!

Monday, February 13, 2006


Brighton is finally crawling! He's been getting to wherever he wanted to go for quite some time now by scooting, pivoting and rolling. But yesterday, I put him on the floor so I could do something and he caught eye of Feebee's tennis ball (gross) and off he went!! I couldn't believe my eyes so I called Andrew into the room to verify. Yep! He was doing it! I caught it on the camera's little mini video and if I figure out how to add it to one of the websites, I will do that. It's been an exciting week at our house!

We were also told to bring Valentines for his day care on Tuesday so I spent Friday night filling out valentines. Then yesterday I made cupcakes and today I will frost them when I get home. Rita asked if he could have a cookie or whatever I brought and I said that was OK, but now that I think about it, I don't want him to have a WHOLE cupcake!! I can tell her that tomorrow.

Bright's also decided he likes tostitos. He sucks on them until they're soggy. I think he likes the salt :) We don't let him indulge too often in those.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Is that a TOOTH?!

YES! Brighton is FINALLY getting a tooth that you can actually feel. We had a couple bad nights but thanks to baby tylenol, baby ibuprophen and hylands teething tablets, we worked it out and Bright's tooth sprouted up a bit. You still can't really see it, but can definitely feel it. I actually was up most of the night lastnight being sad that my baby is growing up. I know, I know, it is going to happen, and it's a good thing that he's developing wonderfully. But it still makes me sad nonetheless. I'm going to miss that big gummy grin. But I'm sure I'll still love his one tooth grin just as just takes some getting used to.