Ok, perhaps not the BEST choice of titles, but it's appropriate. Brighton was a little, ah, well...bound up these last couple of days. So we broke out the emergency stash of prunes. But here's the kicker, he LOVES them! He is his grammy Reilly's grandbaby. I always remember Mom getting the PRUNE kolaches. BLECH! Anyway, they worked, we're regular again and have one more day of eating prunes :)
After going to boob group on Wednesday, a friend of mine there suggested a book on making baby food. So I ran my little butt out to Barnes and Noble yesterday and found it. It's called Fresh Start CWorkbook. Today I made Sweet potato, pear and apple. It's SO FUN! You make it up real quick in the nuker, and freeze it in ice cube trays. I probably made about 2 weeks worth of food in less than an hour. How cool is that? We're still getting a couple of jars of things when they're on sale because, lets face it, it's easy when we go out somewhere. But at home this will be awesome. It's also prompted us to eat a little better ourselves. It's funny, I am pretty particular about what Brighton eats, but I still mow down on chocolate and candy. WELL NO MORE! We're going to be good examples from now on. At least most of the time. When I get a picture of Brighton eating prunes, I'll add it.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Brighton's New Word(s)
Ok well maybe it's not his "official" first word, but he does use it to get a response. His first "word" unspoken is the sign for milk. The sign is to grasp at the air like you're milking a cow. Appropriate huh? He definitely knows it when mom and dad do it. We've caught him doing it from time to time. Dr. thinks it's just a reflex, but I think he's doing it to let us know that he wants milk.
His second new "word" is "mum". He often repeats it over and over when he's upset. "mum, mum, mum, mum". I'm sure he doesn't know that he's saying something very important to his mother, but he does only say it when he wants to be picked up or cuddled. So, it's communication nonetheless. We're working very hard on saying "DAD".
He has also gotten very giggly this last week. It's very funny. He really shows his excitement when mom or dad walk into the room, usually with a big toothless grin and a bit of bouncing. He also seems to be recognizing people he sees frequently. Grandma Mary, Aunt Sally, Grandpa Luke. Sometimes he will get all shy when we're out and a stranger starts talking to him and he buries his head in my shoulder until let him know it's OK. People seem to really fawn over him wherever we go nowadays. Which is of course fine by me so long as they don't touch him. :) I'm still a bit freaky about that since he had a month of getting cold after cold then the flu.
We've discovered that he's ticklish which is cute beyond belief, and he loves being upside down. Not sure what that's all about, but it just cracks him up. He giggles at funny sounds and still likes to try to eat books when we read to him.
He's tried all the stage one foods except prunes. I'm very afraid to give him prunes...I just bought them incase he was bound up. Well, and except bananas because supposedly they have the same effect. But we'll have to do bananas since they're a favorite.
Bright and I both need baths and we're headed to Barnes and Nobles today so I better run. Have a great rest of the week!
His second new "word" is "mum". He often repeats it over and over when he's upset. "mum, mum, mum, mum". I'm sure he doesn't know that he's saying something very important to his mother, but he does only say it when he wants to be picked up or cuddled. So, it's communication nonetheless. We're working very hard on saying "DAD".

We've discovered that he's ticklish which is cute beyond belief, and he loves being upside down. Not sure what that's all about, but it just cracks him up. He giggles at funny sounds and still likes to try to eat books when we read to him.
He's tried all the stage one foods except prunes. I'm very afraid to give him prunes...I just bought them incase he was bound up. Well, and except bananas because supposedly they have the same effect. But we'll have to do bananas since they're a favorite.
Bright and I both need baths and we're headed to Barnes and Nobles today so I better run. Have a great rest of the week!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
A Christmas Re-cap
Wow the holiday really took us by surprise this year. Before I knew it, we were late making candy, rushing off here and there to celebrate Christmas' and it all flew by like a leaf on a cold autumn day. (yeah, that was a bit cheesy).
We all had a great Christmas and hope you all had a wonderful holiday too. Brighton made out like a bandit of course. His first Christmas was I think a bit overwhelming for him.
His first taste at Christmas was pretty low key at Aunt Sally and Uncle Tom's place. He was more interested in the strings on the bags and the krinkly wrapping paper at first. Until he saw Baby Tad! :)
After that nice quiet evening, Christmas Eve struck. Along with 6 other crazy kids looking for their presents under the tree and handing out gifts like they were swatting at bumble bees (yeah, cheesy again, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT! It's 10:30 PM and I'm tired...).
The next morning was our Christmas at home. We started out with pancakes and eggs for breakfast. (I was going to make Lefse or scones both of which I forgot about...) Then the opening commensed.
It must have seemed boring compared to the night before, but thankfully, my gracious little chap came through for us and was naturally, happy with his very simple toys that we got for him. We played it low-key this year since we knew he'd make out like a bandit and we didn't want to overdo it.
Then we took a nap...well, some of us took a nap
Before we knew it, we were all pooped and the day was almost over. Andrew made a wonderful dinner of stuffed pork chops and potatoes, complete with a chocolate pie for dessert. Brighton had squash and good ol' milk. We all went to bed that night with a sugar high and full bellies. We are very fortunate and grateful to have each other and our families.
Most of all, Andrew and I are so blessed to have this perfect little addition in our lives who makes us laugh and smile and sometimes cry just because we love him so much. We can't imagine our lives with out him.
More Christmas and "what's Brighton doing now" photos at www.picturetrail.com/broberb
We all had a great Christmas and hope you all had a wonderful holiday too. Brighton made out like a bandit of course. His first Christmas was I think a bit overwhelming for him.

His first taste at Christmas was pretty low key at Aunt Sally and Uncle Tom's place. He was more interested in the strings on the bags and the krinkly wrapping paper at first. Until he saw Baby Tad! :)
After that nice quiet evening, Christmas Eve struck. Along with 6 other crazy kids looking for their presents under the tree and handing out gifts like they were swatting at bumble bees (yeah, cheesy again, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT! It's 10:30 PM and I'm tired...).

The next morning was our Christmas at home. We started out with pancakes and eggs for breakfast. (I was going to make Lefse or scones both of which I forgot about...) Then the opening commensed.

Then we took a nap...well, some of us took a nap

More Christmas and "what's Brighton doing now" photos at www.picturetrail.com/broberb
Friday, December 09, 2005
Just what did Brighton ask Santa for Christmas?
Well, just a quick update on a funny story from yesterday. After taking 1.75 hours to get home from work, Andrew went to pick up Brighton. He was met at the door by a frenzied Rita (day care sitter). Apparently, Brighton is feeling like a big boy and would only eat with a spoon yesterday. Naturally, it was the longest day he was there and he ate all of his milk...with a spoon. HAHA! Silly boy.
Bright went to visit Santa! View all the photos at www.picturetrail.com/broberb
Today we fed him peas...wasn't impressed. He did his best impression of the baby exorcist, but he's much cuter so it didn't really go over.
Bright went to visit Santa! View all the photos at www.picturetrail.com/broberb
Today we fed him peas...wasn't impressed. He did his best impression of the baby exorcist, but he's much cuter so it didn't really go over.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Baby it's cold outside!
Man o PETE is it cold outside! Topped out at around 5 degrees today according to the temp gauge in my car. BRRRRRRRR.....Brighton and I woke up to a mess thanks to Mrs. Feebeenella. She decided to get into the recyclables and eat the french onion dip container (which had been washed by the way). Then we went to nursing group, ate at the hospital where he proceeded to make old men laugh and old ladies (and young ladies too) giggle. He's such a flirt. Then we went to, yep, you guessed it, TARGET! Here he is in his winter duds.
When I told him we were going to nursing group!

When I told him it was -3 degrees outside!
When I told him we were going to nursing group!

When I told him it was -3 degrees outside!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005
My baby's first haircut...

I can't believe we actually did it!! We cut Brighton's trademark original long hair in the front :( I knew we needed to do it because it was 1. hanging in his eyes, 2. tickling his nose, 3. getting all ratted up before a bath. It was time, but it's still sad :( I'll miss seeing that silly hair stick up from static when I take his hat off. I'll miss blowing on it and making it part in the middle, or making it look like a bad combover blowing in the wind.

Monday, December 05, 2005
It's been a while!
Brighton and I have been absent for a while now. We've both been sick, and my poor babe has another ear infection which he seems to be getting over finally. So, we had to reschedule his Christmas/6 month photo shoot...but hopefully we'll have them before Christmas to put on Christmas cards.
Brighton is doing so many super fun things now!! He is finally sitting up all by himself. He can fall backwards on his boppy and use his abdominal muscles to pull himself upright again. That's exciting :) He's become a total remote control/cell phone junkie. He sees the remote or the cell phone and his eyes get REALLY BIG and he reaches as far as he can to get them. Ugh...great. Another techie in the family.
He has also graduated to oatmeal and jarred foods. Though we're sticking mostly to the single grain cereals yet. The jarred veggies are a plus right now. I will also let him sneak some lemon yogurt once in a while too, which he loves. Here is a list of the foods he's tried so far- not in any particular order:
Apple (just to gum)
lemon yogurt
blueberry yogurt
rice cereal
oatmeal cereal
mashed white potatoes (with a little water)
mashed sweet potato (with breast milk)
gerber jar sweet potato (he ate the WHOLE jar!)
Andrew finally made it home on Thursday Night around 8:30 PM. He was in Pennsylvania for work. Turns out he's going to have to go regularly, so I better get used to it. I was a wreck that week which is why no blogs. But I'm slowly getting back in the swing of things. Brighton and I literally were pajama bums today. We're still in our pajamas and it's 7:00 at night. Given that the temp outside was -9 and didn't get much warmer, we just stayed indoors all snuggled up all day. Now he and daddy are sleeping in the recliner, so I'm playing a bit. But I better get going. I don't have anything pressing to do, it's just really cold in the sunroom and my nose is running :) Take care! And STAY WARM!
Brighton is doing so many super fun things now!! He is finally sitting up all by himself. He can fall backwards on his boppy and use his abdominal muscles to pull himself upright again. That's exciting :) He's become a total remote control/cell phone junkie. He sees the remote or the cell phone and his eyes get REALLY BIG and he reaches as far as he can to get them. Ugh...great. Another techie in the family.
He has also graduated to oatmeal and jarred foods. Though we're sticking mostly to the single grain cereals yet. The jarred veggies are a plus right now. I will also let him sneak some lemon yogurt once in a while too, which he loves. Here is a list of the foods he's tried so far- not in any particular order:
Apple (just to gum)
lemon yogurt
blueberry yogurt
rice cereal
oatmeal cereal
mashed white potatoes (with a little water)
mashed sweet potato (with breast milk)
gerber jar sweet potato (he ate the WHOLE jar!)
Andrew finally made it home on Thursday Night around 8:30 PM. He was in Pennsylvania for work. Turns out he's going to have to go regularly, so I better get used to it. I was a wreck that week which is why no blogs. But I'm slowly getting back in the swing of things. Brighton and I literally were pajama bums today. We're still in our pajamas and it's 7:00 at night. Given that the temp outside was -9 and didn't get much warmer, we just stayed indoors all snuggled up all day. Now he and daddy are sleeping in the recliner, so I'm playing a bit. But I better get going. I don't have anything pressing to do, it's just really cold in the sunroom and my nose is running :) Take care! And STAY WARM!
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